Marley has been with us for over a month now and he is doing great. He immediately fit into our family as if he has always been here. When Gene and Michael picked him up in Breezewood to bring him home he climbed up in the car, laid down, put his head on Michael's lap and slept the entire 2.5 hour car ride. He is such a good dog. His favorite things are going for walks, playing fetch and cuddling. We have been going on long walks everyday. He loves to walk the trails that run through the woods in our plan. Lots of good smells. He is a perfect gentleman when he walks. He and Josie (our 14 yr old Weim) get along well. The kids love to play with him and he loves to play tug and chew on his bones. We are going to the beach in a month and look forward to taking him and Joise with us and can't wait to see how he likes the sand and surf. We are so happy to have him as part of our family.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Marley is getting the spotlight again!
Marley is doing very well in his foster home with Pam. Marley actually stayed overnight at my house the day he was on the Early Show because we had plans to show him off at the Loreal "Because Your Dog is Worth It Too Day" the following day. My 9 year old female weim was very curious about Marley and I can tell she knew there was something different about him. He was such a good boy while he was there. We got up bright and early the next day for the event. He had such a big weekend and it was awful hot. Pam made a good decision and left the event a little early because the heat was getting to the dogs. We had several people over the weekend who were interested in Marley but no definite adopters.
We now hear that Marley will be featured in the Dog's Life Magazine this fall. The issue comes out on September 7. So please every one look for it. I don't know if its sold on the newstands or if only by subscription. If you find it please save a copy for us so we can add it to Marley's scrapbook.
Its unfortunate that we won't be able to get his surgery done for him but he's a happy boy who doesn't feel sorry for himself. We are anxious to see him off to a new life, so if you are interested in adopting Marley please go to our website and fill out an adoption application and make a note that you are interested in Marley. Any questions, email me at, Julie Potthoff, Placement Coordinator.
We now hear that Marley will be featured in the Dog's Life Magazine this fall. The issue comes out on September 7. So please every one look for it. I don't know if its sold on the newstands or if only by subscription. If you find it please save a copy for us so we can add it to Marley's scrapbook.
Its unfortunate that we won't be able to get his surgery done for him but he's a happy boy who doesn't feel sorry for himself. We are anxious to see him off to a new life, so if you are interested in adopting Marley please go to our website and fill out an adoption application and make a note that you are interested in Marley. Any questions, email me at, Julie Potthoff, Placement Coordinator.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
UPDATE on Marley's eyes
Tuesday did not produce the ERG results that we were hoping for.
Marley's retinas are not functioning on a level that would result in any real benefit through surgery. The risks of putting Marley under anesthesia again outweigh any benefit that he *might* gain from removing the cataracts.
I know....I spent hours just laying around with him and apologizing to him and wishing the news was better. Tuesday was a hard day.
Every cloud has a silver lining and I take comfort knowing that Marley is a very happy dog. He is well adjusted, loves people, loves animals (once they learn to stop sneaking up on him), and loves kids. He is healthy as can be - all of his other testing came back WONDERFUL... and he is loved by all who cross his path.
set your DVRs/VCRs/DVDs or whatever you use
Tune into the CBS Early show tomorrow (FRIDAY AUG 14) at 7:00 a.m. (EASTERN) to see Marley as part of the Purina Rally to Rescue segment.
Tuesday did not produce the ERG results that we were hoping for.
Marley's retinas are not functioning on a level that would result in any real benefit through surgery. The risks of putting Marley under anesthesia again outweigh any benefit that he *might* gain from removing the cataracts.
I know....I spent hours just laying around with him and apologizing to him and wishing the news was better. Tuesday was a hard day.
Every cloud has a silver lining and I take comfort knowing that Marley is a very happy dog. He is well adjusted, loves people, loves animals (once they learn to stop sneaking up on him), and loves kids. He is healthy as can be - all of his other testing came back WONDERFUL... and he is loved by all who cross his path.
set your DVRs/VCRs/DVDs or whatever you use
Tune into the CBS Early show tomorrow (FRIDAY AUG 14) at 7:00 a.m. (EASTERN) to see Marley as part of the Purina Rally to Rescue segment.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Hi all.
I just wanted to let you all know that Marley's ERG testing is scheduled for this coming Tuesday the 11th.
We'll keep you all posted!
Marley is doing so well with us.
He is such a gentleman. He has really come a long way in 1 short week.... and he really has a calming effect on Ghost.
More later!
I just wanted to let you all know that Marley's ERG testing is scheduled for this coming Tuesday the 11th.
We'll keep you all posted!
Marley is doing so well with us.
He is such a gentleman. He has really come a long way in 1 short week.... and he really has a calming effect on Ghost.
More later!
Sunday, August 2, 2009
I just wanted to post some new information and a couple of new photos.
Our Saturday visit with the new eye specialist didn't go as well as we hoped, but we are not down for the count. This specialist seemed to think that there was more testing to be done, before we decide whether or not to proceed with surgery. We are going to do the ERG testing next.
That will let us know about the right eye, which was the one in question from the first specialist.
Ghost and Marley are becoming closer and closer and both seem to guard my every move. They both lay between me and the door and become alert with any noise outside.
Marley's barking has subsided, and he really only gets going when Ghost gets going.
Marley met Jamielynn for the 1st time on Saturday and she took some awesome pics. I'm posting them here too.
Marley is enjoying his walks around the neighborhood and we are doing about a mile twice a day. He had a sit down protest during one the other day, but we waited for him to smell the grass and collect his thoughts and he was back in the walk in no time.
He's actually had a calming effect on Ghost. They are both pretty chill when we come home from being out and Ghost doesn't pull as much on our walks when we have Marley with us.
I think they are really good for each other. We have had several BAD thunderstorms here lately and Marley is so calm through them, that Ghost now is too.
That's all for now. I'll write more when I know when his next Dr.'s appointment is.
Friday, July 31, 2009
Well. Where to start. We picked Marley up from Kara and Josie last night. It was obvious to me that Marley had become an integral part of their family in just 3 short weeks. I want Josie, Broghan and Hagen to know that we are honored to help in Marley's Journey and have hopefully brought him one step closer to regaining his sight. I can see why you fell in love with him. He is a great dog and a gentleman.
Marley was wonderful on the way home last night. A couple of times, when we slowed for s traffic light or something like that, he tried to climb in the front seat with me, but most of the time he was laying down in the back taking a nap. I think he sensed something new, but good, was happening.
I sang some Seal songs to him on the way home and when we got close to our house I called my husband and he brought our current weimie, Ghost to the high school parking lot so they could meet. Boy was there a lot of barking. It took a few minutes, but Ghost and Marley started playing a little bit of follow the leader. Once they got a little comfortable with each other, we loaded the cars back up and drove the 1/4 mile home.
We got the boys into the house and we took Marley on a tour around the house and yard, showing him the perimeter. He bumped himself a few times, but he learned quickly where his new water bowl and the back door were.
We arrived at the house late, so the boys were wound up and it was hard to get them to go to sleep. Marley slept on his blanket on the floor next to my bed and Ghost was up and down, up and down. He seemed to want to check Marley out every hour. It was a long night, and they didn't even let me sleep past 7:30....As soon as Izzy got up for work, the boys were at it again. Ghostie moving in to sniff Marley and Marley barking him away.
As the day has gone on, they are getting more and more tolerant of each other. I even took Ghost to Marley's vet appointment this afternoon. I think Ghost was just happy it wasn't him. They both laid down in the back of my little car and kinda snuggled a little. I think it was just the size of the car. I'm not so sure they are ready for snuggling in the house yet.
The vet says that Marley is pretty darn healthy, with the exceptions of the cataracts. We had some blood drawn, so we'll know more when that comes back, but we're thinking he's doing pretty well. His teeth are in very good shape, the vet said.
Marley weighed in at 98 pounds today, so he has lost another 2 pounds...but I think it's important to remember that it could be more if the scales read a little different. The vet said he could stand to lose another 5-10 pounds but that should be all he needs to lose. He'll probably lose it faster than I will ;(
Marley goes to the eye specialist here tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for more good news!
I have a picture of Ghost and Marley from my phone that I am going to try to upload with this blog, but I have never done it before, so we'll see how well I do. If it works, that's Marley on the left and Ghostie on the right with their new bones. They each got one, and they ended up switching them back and forth. It was very funny to watch.
We'll keep you posted.
-Pam and Izzy
We saw how much of an impact Mr. Marley made on our family as we packed up his bag to send him on, to continue his journey. Broghan was sobbing at the dinner table for over an hour, and Josie cried the entire trip to Allentown to meet Pam. While at our 'drop off' point, Pam and I sat discussing Marley and explaining to Josie that Marley will see a Vet today for his exam and a Specialist turn he may be able to see within the next week or so. Josie's saddness was eased a bit. After seeing the kids' reactions to his departure, it only showed yet again what a wonderful dog Marley is.
He was SO excited to get in the car and go on our trip last night. We can only hope he did well on the ride with Pam to their house and did well when they arrived as he met his brother, Ghost! I had a good 'talk' with Marley yesterday, telling him all about his new brother and how much fun he is going to have. Especially once he can see again. We are excited to hear from Pam later today to find out Marley's weight, he has lost quite a bit of weight in the last three weeks, or at least you can see he is slimming. Hopefully, by tomorrow, Pam will be able to blog about his vet appointments and let us all know when his surgery will be. As I have written for the last 3 weeks, I cannot tell you all enough how awesome this guy is! He is a gentle, sweet soul who deserves to have his vision. And once he has his 'forever home' he will truly make a great member of your family and be a best friend to everyone! As he did in his short time here with us. Thank you to those who have been following the first leg of his journey. Pam will continue to let us know how the next round is going!
~Kara, Matt, Josie, Broghan, Hagen & Miss Lucy Lou Who
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